6191 E. Huron Line Rd.
Minden City, MI 48456
Block: Storm at Sea
Size: 8'x8'

The barn is located on an 1857 Land Grant Farm a mile north and east of Minden City
on the north side of the road in Huron County.
The barn was built about 1898. There was a windmill on top of the barn for power. Cows
were milked in stanchions until 1977 when a milking parlor was built in the barn. Two mows
for hay and straw plus grain was stored upstairs. Grandpa ground the grain for feed in a
mill in the basement. Also on that level were calf pens, horse stables and a storage area.
This block was chosen because Esther has always like the Storm at Sea block and she
hopes to make a large quilt with the block.
Safety and Respecting Private Property~
All sites are on private property and should be viewed from the public road unless otherwise indicated at the
site that it is a business open to the public. We are indebted to our barn hosts for their generosity.
When viewing and enjoying the barns and blocks use caution when slowing or stopping near a site.