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Hanging the Blocks

  Once blocks are built they are ready for delivery.
In some cases, the barn owner picks up their
block and makes arrangements for it to be
mounted on their barn. In most cases, the blocks
are delivered by Bob. Several in one area are
delivered in one day.
  They are leaned against the barn in a safe and
out of the way spot until the hanging crew can
get there to mount it.
  One of the first things that must be done
is mounting the pulley system that is used
to raise the block. Once the block is in place
this is removed.
  The process begins. Great care is taken
to ensure the structure is not damaged and
no one is hurt in this process. The 8' X 8'
blocks are heavy. It is important to avoid
windy or otherwise poor weather conditions
so that the workers are not in danger.
  The pulley system works great to raise
the block.
  Team work!
  We are very fortunate to have Kappen
Tree Service
taking care of this process
for us. Their hard work and expertise is
  Here's the Mariner's Compass as it hangs on
the Bush Barn in Caro, MI.
  And here's the Kappen crew that did an
awesome job getting the job done!