masal oku

Richard and Jean Kunze Barn / American Farmer Block

3689 Snay Rd.
Palms, MI 48465
Block: American Farmer
Block Size: 6'X6'



Our barn was built in 1905 by Ferdinand and Louise Wolf. 
Dick bought the farm in 1958. Our daughter-in-law, Michelle, is
an artist. She designed and painted the barn quilt. Our family
gave us this block as a Christmas gift.

This is a bank barn. It has a granary above the stable.
It is located on Snay Rd. between Hunt and Maple Grove.

Safety and Respecting Private Property~
All sites are on private property and should be viewed from the public road unless otherwise indicated at the
site that it is a business open to the public. We are indebted to our barn hosts for their generosity.
When viewing and enjoying the barns and blocks use caution when slowing or stopping near a site.